• Learn how to make a simple and fast balloon sword using a modelling balloon, with balloon artist Barak Dagan.
    This is a free video. You can watch it directly from this page When you were a child you probably got a balloon sword on a birthday party, and you probably remember how fun it was to play with a balloon sword :) Today we're going to make a balloon sword together! https://youtu.be/fpGib8M-Gf8   Let's take a balloon and create a balloon sword together
  • Learn how to make a balloon dog using a modelling balloon. Balloon animal dog is the most common balloon figure for beginners as it shows the basic techniques of balloon twisting. Please don't miss this video tutorial about making a balloon dog.
    This is a free video. You can watch it directly from this page https://youtu.be/qFsZwG1zQaE  
  • Learn how to make a balloon teddy bear using a modelling balloon, with balloon artist Barak Dagan. While creating this balloon teddy bear you will also make the most important twist in the balloon twisting world: a Pinch Twist! A balloon teddy bear is one of the most popular balloon animals to make, so please don't miss this video tutorial.
    This is a free video. You can watch it directly from this page https://youtu.be/EA1jzyqmBBE
  • Learn how to tie a round balloon without hurting your fingers with balloon artist Barak Dagan.
    Press the play button to watch the video. Scroll down to read a detailed explanation.
    https://youtu.be/x6VUoDBIMEQ This method of tying a balloon is a very comfortable method, that every parent and every child should know! I get many positive comments about this video from parents who had to tie many balloon for their child's birthday, and this video taught them a great way of tying a balloon.
  • Learn how to make a balloon flower using modelling balloons. This video will show you an easy way to create the famous 6 petals balloon flower using modelling balloons. While creating this balloon flower you will also learn how to make loop-twists in a balloon. Take a balloon and make this balloon flower :) This is a free video. Press the play button and watch it directly from this page https://youtu.be/ay1qZpAaUEY
